Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine For Treating Prostatitis
Prostatitis as a common disease among
men, it can be infected with many causes, such as the risk of prostatitis
multiplied with frequent sexual intercourse. Traditional Chinese herbal medicine is
really gaining momentum for treating
have little choice to entirely dealing with the problems at early stage as the
conditions of prostatitis can have no evident symptoms on the prostate gland.
Sometimes, the prostate gland may have the conditions of slight inflammation on
the prostate gland, but people are usually not aware of that, only the symptoms
are getting serious, can these changes of prostate gland of men can draw the
attention from men. At that time, the situations of patients can be more
complicated than the initial conditions. And then, if patients take western medicine
treatment like antibiotics, the side effects ould make the situation more severe.
addition, when the conditions are out of controlled, the western medicines may
be useless in treating the prostatitis symptoms. The drug resistance may occur which
will be ineffective in controlling the condition.
patients take traditional Chinese herbal medicine called Diuretic and
Anti-inflammatory Pill, which is based on the natural ingredients medications, the
inflammation will be cured permanently. This medicine is developed by Dr. Lee,
who has more than 30 years of clinical experience in treating male and female reproductive
system diseases.
better help patients, Dr. Lee set up a clinic in Wuhan, China. Now, there are
many patients from all over the world have tried Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory
pill to cure prostatitis. It is made from
more than 50 kinds of natural herbs, such as plantain seed, peach seed, pink
herb, polygonum aviculare, etc. These herbs can eliminate inflammation, kill
bacteria, clear heat and remove toxins. According to the feedback from the
patients who had taken Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, after about
three months, most of their symptoms disappeared. Besides, many of them also found
that taking anti-inflammatory medicines along with warm sitz bath is much more